In Exodus 23:20-24, God promises that an Angel would help the people of Israel. By this time God had already moved the people out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. They were now at the foot of Mount Sinai, receiving instructions from God through Moses in preparation for advancing towards the Promised Land. These instructions gave insight on how they were supposed to live once they reached the Promised Land. In Exodus 23:20-24 God speaks of an Angel who would go before Israel, clearing the path for them to move into the Promised Land. Who is this Angel and does this promise foreshadow a similar one in the New Testament? Let’s find out.
In order to get a better understanding of this passage I think we must look at the definition of an angel. Simply put, an angel is a messenger from God. Quoting the Bible Project:
The word “angel” in the Bible is translated from the Hebrew word malach and the Greek word angelos, both meaning “messenger.” God sends angels to warn, comfort, and guide people by communicating his messages to them.
I checked a number of different sources and all agree that an angel is a messenger sent by God. Some sources seem to limit the use of angel to what we usually think of: a powerful creature that looks like a man with wings. But there are also a number of sources that apply the use of “angel” to any messenger, including people, like pastors. The Angel in Exodus 23 is clearly a powerful being, sent to “cut off” the nations that the people of Israel would find already dwelling in the Promised Land, meaning He most likely is not human. (By the way, the people of Israel seemed to have forgotten about this promise when they heard about the “giants” that lived in the Promised Land.)
God says that His name will be in this Angel and this Angel will have the power to choose not to pardon their transgressions. I find that aspect of this Angel to be very interesting as, according to Jewish tradition, only God has the power to forgive or to not forgive sins (see Luke 5:17-26, specifically verse 21). This makes me wonder if this Angel is actually The Son of God, going before the people in order to deliver them into the land. Looking at a handful of Bible Commentaries reveals an agreement that this is likely the Angel of the Covenant with many of them also seeing this as being the second Person of the Trinity.
So we have here God’s promise that He will send an Angel (possibly His Son) to guide the people. This Angel was sent to help them reach and take the Promised Land if they trusted in God and followed His teachings. He was to be their helper as they followed God’s calling, doing whatever was needed to help them succeed. As such this promise sounds a lot like the promise Jesus makes to us in John 14:15-17 where He promises to send another comforter.
Jesus was/is the first comforter, sent to deliver us from sin and death and into the promised rest given by God. He promised to send another comforter, the Spirit of Truth (The Holy Spirit) who lives with and in those who follow Jesus. I think that the similarities between these two promises shows that God never intended for us to live this life without His help but if we do not accept His help then that is on us.
God wants to help us follow His will. He wants to walk with us and work in us in order to help us receive His ultimate promise: the Kingdom of God which is our true home. Remember that if you have received Christ as your Lord and Savior, He has sent another Helper to you. Believe in God and let Him lead you forward.
“as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,”
2 Peter 1:3 (NKJV)