
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

You Know, I Think God Likes Different Colors


The family that sold us our house many years ago left behind a number of different trees and plants in our yard. Over the years we cut a number of them down, especially the pine trees that were growing way too close to the house. But we did keep a few plants, including a few Azaleas which were growing in various places around the property. One of these Azaleas always opens first among the group and when it does it puts on quite a show.

We have three different kinds of Azalea in our yard, each with its own color. Add in a couple of purple Rhododendrons and we get a nice pallet of colors greeting us as we move through the spring. But that one Azalea is always the first to open, stretching out its pedals days before the other Azaleas and Rhododendrons show signs of waking up.

When they do open they join with the Tulips we have planted around the property, opening and eventually dropping their flowers just as the Day Lilies we have planted in our backyard begin to strut their stuff. Later in the summer a row of Hibiscus at the side of the yard will open up and put on a show of their own. I have to watch these Hibiscus closely as they are able to grow like they are out of control with their offspring turning up in a number of different places around the property. I like them but not enough to let them take over.

The only downside to having all of the colors of spring and summer is the fact that I suffer from allergies. Still, that does not keep me from enjoying each and every plant. I even enjoy the bugs they attract like the bees and the lady bugs, although I keep my distance from the bees. Throw in the assortment of birds, including the occasional humming bird, and everything just seems to be right with the world. It’s a reminder to take time to relax. It is also a reminder that God must really like a huge range of different colors.

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