Monday, November 25, 2019

That Little Parking Lot Across the Street

There's a parking lot almost directly across from my office and I thank God that it is there. I can't park in this lot as it is a private lot for another business. Besides, I take public transit, leaving my car (or often my scooter) at a suburban train station. I don't use this lot and there is nothing spectacular about this small patch of pavement. But still I am glad it is there, perfectly situated for bringing joy to my day. What's so special about this parking lot? It's special because of what it allows me to see.

Working in a major U.S. city, most of what I see daily are buildings. Many of these are so tall that they block out the sun. Workers in these buildings look out of their windows and get the pleasure of seeing...more buildings. Yes, city workers do get to see cars and streets or alleyways but most of the view consists of buildings. Fortunately Philadelphia has long had a thing for art, so these buildings often have sculptures and other interesting objects (like a giant clothespin) outfront but still the predominant landscape feature is still...buildings. It's a wonder that office workers don't hang posters (of say...Tahiti or the Bahamas) in front of their office windows in order to change the view.

This is where I am fortunate. Yes, the floor to ceiling window in my office does reveal two buildings directly across the street but between those two is my favorite parking lot, through which I get a view of something other than buildings. Between us are two trees offering shade to a patio which cuts one side of the parking lot off from the street. Beyond the parking lot are more trees of many different types. Some are short and some are tall. Most turn different colors during the fall, shades of red, orange and brown, while one remains green year round. They stand in stark contrast to the units of bricks and mortar which are also in view. The lot and the trees are much better than looking at a wall the entire work day, giving a view that reminds me to stop from time to time to remember that I am human.

I guess it might seem odd for someone to be thankful for a parking lot, unless of course you are behind the wheel. But this lot affords me a view of nature, a reminder that there is life beyond the steel metropolis. And for as long as I find myself punching a time clock, I will be grateful for my little parking lot across the street.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Responding With Worship

Photo by Juhasz Imre from Pexels

How would you respond? I mean it had to have been one of the most frightening and yet awesome experiences: seeing Jesus walk on water. You probably know the story but have you ever thought about how you would react? Would you react by joining the apostles in worshiping Jesus? Would you be indifferent, just another oh hum thing you've seen before on television? Would you move quickly to ask Jesus to do something for you, getting your prayer requests in before moving on to the next big thing? Or would you stand (or bow) in awe knowing you were in the presence of someone very special?

Matthew 14:25-33

Think about what the apostles had just experienced. They saw a man walk on water. How awesome was that. Jesus then invited Peter to join him, answering what amounted to a quick prayer, Peter seeing the desire of his heart fulfilled. Not being perfect in his faith Peter fell below the surface but Jesus pulled him up having only the water itself as His leverage. When the two got into the boat the storm stopped. The apostles had witnessed something miraculous and now the One who did those miracles was with them. They didn't take Him for granted. They worshiped.

As believers in Christ we know that God is always with us. We see and know that He answers prayers. We may even get to see a miracle from time to time. How should we respond? Like the apostles we should respond to God's presence with worship.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How God Blessed Me in October 2019

Wisdom is a great blessing and God blessed me in abundance during the month of October starting with a comment made by one of my sons. We were sitting at the dining room table doing homework when he asked why I make school sound like the most important thing in life. Several knee jerk reactions came to mind but I managed to bite my tongue. Then I really thought about his question and I realized I'd made a huge mistake.

Is school important? Yes it is but it is not the most important thing in life. In fact I can think of a number of things that are more important like family and even healthy relationships outside the family. Health (both physical and mental) is also more important than school. I suspect my son was telling me (right or wrong) that my emphasis on school work was not good for his mental health. Above all else there is nothing of greater importance than nurturing an intimate relationship with God. In fact without God the life of the greatest academic sounds like an empty pursuit.

I apologized to my son for giving him the wrong impression and we talked a little of how we must keep things in the right perspective. Yes school is important but it is not the most important thing in life. It took a word of wisdom from my son to help me see the truth. I thank God for blessing me with both my son and His wisdom.

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding;
For her proceeds are better 
than the profits of silver,
And her gain than fine gold."
Proverbs 3:13-14 (NKJV)

My day job sits near a satellite office for one of our local children's hospital. From time to time this affords the opportunity to watch parents interact with their children. While getting lunch one day I saw a father and daughter holding hands as they walked down the sidewalk. I could tell by how the toddler's feet moved that she likely is a special needs blessing. Father and daughter seemed to be enjoying each other as they stopped to look at a statue and then stopped again to look at something on the sidewalk.

As I watched I realized how self centered I am. My first thought was of how I would handle my child's future if one were special needs. Forgive me. My next thought was of my son's question about school. Sometimes the wisdom I need is the wisdom to truly evaluate myself. I needed wisdom to understand that my emphasis on certain things are not always about what's best for others. Often they are about what looks best on me. Too bad they can't really cover my flaws.

I value the wisdom God gave during the month of October. I was truly blessed. How has God been blessing you? Tell me on Twitter (@denniscoleman) or via email. I would love to hear what God is doing in your life.