Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How God Blessed Me in October 2019

Wisdom is a great blessing and God blessed me in abundance during the month of October starting with a comment made by one of my sons. We were sitting at the dining room table doing homework when he asked why I make school sound like the most important thing in life. Several knee jerk reactions came to mind but I managed to bite my tongue. Then I really thought about his question and I realized I'd made a huge mistake.

Is school important? Yes it is but it is not the most important thing in life. In fact I can think of a number of things that are more important like family and even healthy relationships outside the family. Health (both physical and mental) is also more important than school. I suspect my son was telling me (right or wrong) that my emphasis on school work was not good for his mental health. Above all else there is nothing of greater importance than nurturing an intimate relationship with God. In fact without God the life of the greatest academic sounds like an empty pursuit.

I apologized to my son for giving him the wrong impression and we talked a little of how we must keep things in the right perspective. Yes school is important but it is not the most important thing in life. It took a word of wisdom from my son to help me see the truth. I thank God for blessing me with both my son and His wisdom.

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding;
For her proceeds are better 
than the profits of silver,
And her gain than fine gold."
Proverbs 3:13-14 (NKJV)

My day job sits near a satellite office for one of our local children's hospital. From time to time this affords the opportunity to watch parents interact with their children. While getting lunch one day I saw a father and daughter holding hands as they walked down the sidewalk. I could tell by how the toddler's feet moved that she likely is a special needs blessing. Father and daughter seemed to be enjoying each other as they stopped to look at a statue and then stopped again to look at something on the sidewalk.

As I watched I realized how self centered I am. My first thought was of how I would handle my child's future if one were special needs. Forgive me. My next thought was of my son's question about school. Sometimes the wisdom I need is the wisdom to truly evaluate myself. I needed wisdom to understand that my emphasis on certain things are not always about what's best for others. Often they are about what looks best on me. Too bad they can't really cover my flaws.

I value the wisdom God gave during the month of October. I was truly blessed. How has God been blessing you? Tell me on Twitter (@denniscoleman) or via email. I would love to hear what God is doing in your life.

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