Thursday, November 14, 2019

Responding With Worship

Photo by Juhasz Imre from Pexels

How would you respond? I mean it had to have been one of the most frightening and yet awesome experiences: seeing Jesus walk on water. You probably know the story but have you ever thought about how you would react? Would you react by joining the apostles in worshiping Jesus? Would you be indifferent, just another oh hum thing you've seen before on television? Would you move quickly to ask Jesus to do something for you, getting your prayer requests in before moving on to the next big thing? Or would you stand (or bow) in awe knowing you were in the presence of someone very special?

Matthew 14:25-33

Think about what the apostles had just experienced. They saw a man walk on water. How awesome was that. Jesus then invited Peter to join him, answering what amounted to a quick prayer, Peter seeing the desire of his heart fulfilled. Not being perfect in his faith Peter fell below the surface but Jesus pulled him up having only the water itself as His leverage. When the two got into the boat the storm stopped. The apostles had witnessed something miraculous and now the One who did those miracles was with them. They didn't take Him for granted. They worshiped.

As believers in Christ we know that God is always with us. We see and know that He answers prayers. We may even get to see a miracle from time to time. How should we respond? Like the apostles we should respond to God's presence with worship.

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