Tuesday, January 28, 2020

One, Two or Three Servings?

Have you ever gotten three and a half servings out of a bag of chips? I'm talking about one of those 3.5oz bags that look like one serving but say they contain 3.5 servings. Generally I finish those off in one sitting, two at the most. I doubt I've ever stretched one to three and a half servings. I just don't have that kind of self discipline. Do you?

The other day I looked at the serving size on a bag of crunchy style Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. (Never tried them? You must. Just save some for me.) The folks at Frito-Lay say that a serving size is “About 21 pieces.” That's an average of course. I wonder if they have a machine calibrated to measure out exactly 73.5 Flamin' Hot Cheetos per bag. And what qualifies as one Cheeto? The size and even shape of each crunchy Cheeto seem somewhat random, not like puffed Cheetos which come out fairly uninformed. Do I get one extra Cheeto for each one that is too small?

Once while babysitting I shared a bag of Cheetos with a five year old. (Not the flamin' kind. Don't think those were out yet.) Sitting side by side on the couch with the bag between us, I noticed she seemed to be putting her hand in the bag more often than I. I wrote it off to the fact that she was pulling out one Cheeto at a time where I was grabbing handfuls. Then I found a Cheeto that was wet on one end. That's when I realized she was biting them in half and tossing what was left back in the bag. I guess the first bite is always the best and this was a great lesson preparing me for when I became a parent.

Anyway, I am not very well calibrated when it comes to knowing how many Cheetos or potato chips are in a handful. I have no idea if I have eaten 21 or 73 Cheetos. I just know when the bag is finished. How about you? Do you get 3.5 servings or do you eat the whole bag in one sitting? Well, I’m up for a challenge. It will take quite a bit of restraint to pull it off. I’m going to try to get the right number of servings out of the bags of my favorite snack foods. Think I can pull it off? Can you?

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