Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Car Repairs That Took Care of Themselves

Photo by George Sultan from Pexels

It happened twice over the last two years. First was a power steering fluid leak leaving drops under my wife's car. Then came the check engine light flashing one morning as I prepared to drive to the train station to go to work. Both serve as stark reminders of the costs of owning a car. And as we have in the past, we prayed trusting God to provide. But in each of these cases He did something different.

The mechanic warned that the leak in the power steering system was, "major." I checked and the fluid level was very low. But at the time we did not have the money for repairs, so I filled the reservoir and we prayed for help from God. I checked a couple of weeks later and the reservoir was once again low. I refilled and we continued to pray. Since that second refill the level has remained constant: no sign of a leak. I'm not sure how but the problem has gone away.

Then there was the flashing 'check engine' light that greeted me one morning as I attempted to go to work: not the jolt I wanted first thing. We prayed and then called for a tow truck. Later that day the mechanic called to ask why the car was in the shop. By the time he started work on it, the light was no longer flashing. He scanned for engine codes and found none. The car was in perfect working order and has run just fine ever since. This was a head scratcher. Perhaps one day I'll find out what was really going on. Until then I thank God for the outcome.

In the past when faced with car repairs, God has always provided. Actually I should say He provided when I stayed out of His way. There have been way too many times when I tried to deal with repairs in a way that made me comfortable, which usually ended with debt. There have also been times when I prayed before making a move and somehow the money to make repairs became available. Last year, when we prayed and surrendered, God did things a little different than in the past. He somehow fixed both problems without us spending a dime. His message in doing so seems clear: pray first.

“Be still and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10

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