Thursday, February 27, 2025

What Did Moses Hear Part 3: His Name, The LORD

What Did Moses Hear Part 3: His Name, The LORD

Exodus 34 tells us that at God’s command, Moses cut two new stones, replacing the two that he broke over the golden calf, and took an early morning hike up Mount Sinai. There, in the midst of the cloud, the LORD descended and stood with Moses. As described in What Did Moses See, we know that something special happened at that moment and yet we are not sure exactly what Moses saw. The passage does tell us exactly what Moses heard as the LORD kept His promise from chapter 33:

Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you.”

Exodus 33:19 (NKJV)

Exodus 34:5-7

As the LORD’s goodness passes before Moses, the Bible says He proclaimed His name but what He says beginning in Exodus 34:6 seems more like a proclamation of a title as opposed to a “name” as we would think of today. This title gives us a description of God’s nature which was often true in the Old Testament where names reveal a person’s character. And because this is coming from the LORD, I believe this is an important passage to understand.

The first thing He says is, “The LORD.” I looked at a handful of sources and it seems that the word used here is, “Yahweh,” which is the covenant name used by God in the Old Testament. According to, “The English language doesn’t have an exact translation of the word “Yahweh,” and this is why we see it written as “LORD”. The website goes on to point out that in Exodus 3:14 (in the passage where we first see the name used in the Bible), “...God uses ‘I AM’ and ‘Yahweh’ interchangeably.” 

So what we have is the word “LORD” which is very different from the word “Lord”. “Lord” is a title for someone who is in control: someone who is the master over someone else or over some domain. Most certainly God is Lord but “LORD” is different. LORD or “Yahweh” is about God being self-existent and eternal, as again pointed out by God has always existed, does not need anyone in order to exist and will always exist. And so in declaring Himself as “The LORD”, God is telling Moses and us about His eternal nature.

As His covenant name, “Yahweh” is also God’s declaration that He will keep His end of the covenant even though the people had broken it when they worshipped the golden calf. Going once again to we see that this is a name that says that He is a relational God. He wants to have a very close personal relationship with us, so much so that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). This is still very important today as it means He will not break His covenant with us, a covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus our Lord.

Exodus 3:15 tells us that this is His name forever and is how He should be known to all generations. I believe that means that this is how we should know Him today: Eternal and relational. He is the everlasting God and He wants to share in a close relationship with you. Will you open your arms to “The LORD”?

See also:

Friday, February 14, 2025

Random Thoughts February 14, 2025

Mental Toughness

Earlier this week I watched the Fox Television Program, “Extracted.” For those who have never seen it, this is a reality game show where twelve amateur survivalists live on their own in the wilderness while family members watch back at their headquarters. The family can hear but cannot talk to the survivalists. If needed the family can hit an “extract” button to pull the survivalist out but that means the family misses out on $250,000.

I like watching competitions and am looking forward to the rest of the first season of Extracted but there were a couple of things that bothered me during the first two episodes. Just like on Survivor and other shows like this there is always someone, often a black person, who does not know how to swim. Blacks in America really should make sure our children learn how to swim, not just for survival competitions but for survival in life. There is also usually someone who is not mentally prepared for the competition. That was the case with the first person extracted on this show. When I see this I often wonder what that person thought they were getting themselves into.

I also find myself wondering if I am mentally tough enough to do something like that. A much younger version of me, to be honest, was not mentally tough enough. I probably would have quit the first time I faced any kind of hardship. I believe (I hope) I am different today. I don’t know for sure because I’ve never really faced that kind of hardship but I hope that I could. I don’t take any credit for this change as it is all work that God has done to help me overcome being lost in my mom’s alcoholism and all that comes with that. I have been changed and I thank God for healing me and setting me free.

Spiritually there is something I have to remember no matter the trial. God will provide what I need. I believe this would even apply if I was on a survival game show and in real life that helps me deal with the day to day. God is my provider

He Holds the Future

President Trump, with the help of Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), is doing exactly what he campaigned on: cutting government excess. I agree with the idea but I’m not comfortable with the process, which will have an indirect effect on my current day job. And as coworkers and people in the same industry (scientific research) share their (justified and very valid) fears, I am at peace. I’ve been here before: those situations where the future is cloudy. Each time God came through, opening the right doors and providing for my needs. This time will be no different. God holds the future!

Is It Constitutional?

I’m not sure if all that the president and his administration are doing is constitutional but I’m not the courts. I agree that we need a smaller government but I think the president may have skipped some steps. For example, the proposed cuts at NIH seem as if they were made without really talking with the stakeholders. Ultimately, I trust that things will work out and I don’t believe we will have the constitutional crises that some fear. Will the limits of executive power be tested? That has already happened and will continue but I believe that the system will work as designed.

Fly Eagles Fly

As I type this, the Philadelphia Eagles’ Parade of Champions is moving through the city of Philadelphia on its way to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. My day job did not fully open today as we knew the city would be crazy, so I worked from home. (Hey, my work email is still open and visible on my desktop.) Back when the Phillies won the World Series I made the mistake of going into work on parade day. My trip home took forever as I wound up leaving right as the parade ended. They expect 1 million fans in the city for the Eagles’ celebration. Looking at the crowd on television, I think that estimate might be a bit low.

Having lived in Philadelphia for quite some time I’ve come to understand Philly fans, having suffered a number of deep disappointments with them. But today is about a celebration and I thank the Eagles for bringing the Vince Lombardi Trophy home.

Congrats to the Eagles and to the city of Philadelphia!

By the way, the best Super Bowl Commercial was the Nike “Love, Hurts,” commercial that aired after the final gun.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Another Look at Moses’ Prayer Life

Back in 2016 I took a look at the conversation that Moses had with God at the scene of the burning bush. At the time I intended to take a quick walk through the book of Exodus, looking at the times when Moses was able to talk with God. Why? Well, anyone with whom God speaks as one would speak to a friend, must have had a great prayer life, one that might help us in our prayers today.

So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.

Exodus 33:11a (NKJV)

I never got to finish looking at Moses’ prayer life because…well…I’m not going to waste your time with any excuses. But today seems as good a time to take a look as any. Before we go into any new posts, I invite you to go back to “Should Moses Experience at the Burning Bush be Called Prayer?” Part I first posted on December 7, 2016:

Part 2 posted on January 4, 2017:

And Part 3 posted on January 11, 2017

Thursday, February 6, 2025

What Did Moses Hear Part 2: What Did Moses See?

After breaking the original stone tablets, Moses ascended the mountain at God’s invitation carrying two new tablets on which God would write the Law. While Moses was up there, The LORD descended in the cloud and stood by Him (Exodus 34:5) . As I wrote in earlier posts, this had to have been an amazing mountain top experience and I think there is a lot to learn about God in what He says to Moses. (See also What Did Moses Hear?) Exodus 34 tells us that the LORD proclaimed His name and I want to take time to examine what He said. But before we do, let’s think about what Moses saw.

Moses cut two new stones and took an early morning hike up Mount Sinai as commanded by the LORD (Exodus 34:4). As he reached his destination, Moses was joined by the LORD who, according to verse 5, “...descended in the cloud and stood with him there…” My understanding is that the cloud represented the presence of God on the mountain. So at that moment Moses could already see the presence of the Lord on the mountain top. But then the Bible says the Lord went a step further by standing there in the cloud with Moses. It’s as if, according to Moses’ testimony, the LORD took some sort of physical form right there in the cloud. How awesome must that have been?

What did Moses see standing next to Him? Both Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers and the Pulpit Commentary point to God’s promise recorded in the previous chapter that His “goodness” would pass before Moses. Both also point to the pillar of cloud that led Israel out of Egypt. We are limited because the Bible does not tell us exactly what Moses saw or how he was able to see, or otherwise become aware of, the LORD standing with him. But somehow, someway the LORD was there and Moses got to see and hear God in some way, shape or form.

Are you aware of what the Lord is doing in your life? If you are a Christian, are you aware of God’s Spirit living in your heart? Even more important, have you surrendered your will to the One who is always with you? Today we likely will never have the experience that Moses had on Mount Sinai, at least not while we are here on earth, but the Lord is with us and will find ways to make His presence known. Ask God to help you be aware of His presence in your life. Seek Him with all of your heart and He will reveal Himself to you.

“But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Deuteronomy 4:29 (NKJV)