Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Did Abraham Reap What Was Sown?

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

You reap what you sow. That’s a principle that is a very clear part of Biblical teaching. Yes, believers are the beneficiaries of God’s mercy and grace but that does not change the fact that what a person sows, that person will eventually reap. Now I don’t believe we escape this principle just because we are Christians. In fact I believe that even Abraham was subject to this law. Let’s take a look at one example that answers the question: Did Abraham reap that which he had sown?

To find the answer let’s join Abraham on a little trip to Egypt in Genesis 12:10-20. The Bible tells us that Abram (as he was still called at that point) went to Egypt because there was a severe famine. Apparently he thought his prospects would be better in Egypt then would be if he continued his journey south in the general direction of the Negev. As he approached Egypt he asked a big favor of his wife Sarai, who was so attractive that Abram feared someone might kill him in order to take her. So, to protect his own skin he asked Sarai to say that she was his sister and not his wife. In doing so he left Sarai doing the heavy work of pulling off his lie in order to make him more comfortable among the Egyptians.

Their little plot seemed to backfire when Pharaoh had Sarai brought into his house with plans to eventually make her his wife. Abram received a handsome sum in return for his “sister” but the entire situation seems like one that would be painfully uncomfortable on a number of levels. But even with what Abram gained in goods and in staying alive, this is a case where material gain might not be a sign that Abram had done the right thing.

If you think about it, Abram concocted his lie out of fear and even though the Bible does not say whether or not he was right, we do know that fear is not considered a good justification for doing the wrong thing. In fact we are told that God does not give us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) and Abram’s actions do not seem to come from a sound mind nor from a position of power nor from a position of love. I’d argue that a believer of sound mind would have (or at least should have) run to God for direction before coming up with a lie and that the fact that it was a lie indicates that it was anything but God’s will for the situation. So, even though it worked and resulted in great rewards, I just don’t think this was God’s plan for Abram or for Sarai.

In the end God intervenes, leading Pharoah to give Sarai back and to kick Abram out of Egypt with all his positions (new and old). Abram does not lose his wife nor does he lose his life. God kept Pharoah from making a huge mistake while at the same time protecting Sarai from the damage that could have been caused by her husband’s lie. It seems as if all’s well that ends well with Abram and Sarai moving on to the next stop in their journey.

So did Abram reap that which he had sown? After all he had sown a lie and it seems as if he had reaped abundantly, receiving many good things. He took with him all that Pharaoh had given, including sheep, camels, oxen, donkeys and servants. I’m guessing that list also included an Egyptian servant girl by the name of Hagar who later, after another of Abraham’s and Sarah’s great ideas, would become a major problem for the patriarch and his wife.

Abraham could not have foreseen the issues he would have with Hagar when he was looking for ways to protect his own hide. In the same way, we cannot see what will come when we choose to sin against our God. Yes, those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will avoid the ultimate punishment that follows sin but we still reap what we sow. So, what kind of harvest will come from what you have sown?

Thursday, January 12, 2023

It’s Been Almost Four Years

It’s been almost four years since my last update of my “About Me” page. In fact, it's been about four years since I read my “About Me” page. I realize some things have changed since I wrote those words. (I’ll make updates right after I finish writing this.) For starters, that version of the page still said I had been married 26 years. We have now enjoyed over 30 years of marriage. A lot of work goes into growing a relationship for 30 years and it has been well worth the effort.

As I read and revised my “About Me” page I realized that it is in a way a map which I have not been following. Yes, like many other men I tend not to pay attention to maps. I guess it’s time to upgrade to GPS and my GPS is telling me I am off course when it comes to my blog and to writing in general. Fortunately it’s never too late to get back on course, not even after 4-8 years.

So where do we go from here? Well…according to my map…or should I now say GPS I will continue with posts about my faith in Jesus Christ. I will also tell you more about me. This blog will continue to be a bit eclectic with posts on various topics. There will also be more posts that answer questions from a biblical point of view. This is a bit of a change in course which hopefully will be fun and informative.

One thing I am working on is consistency. I have not been consistent in my writing. I get things done when there is a deadline (such as with magazine articles) but I tend to fumble the ball on things like this blog or when it comes to the many book ideas I have bouncing around in my head. This year I have made a new commitment to answer God’s call without making excuses.

I do still enjoy writing even though I too often talk myself out of sitting at my computer. It’s time for change and for a true commitment. As I write this I feel a growing excitement about the direction God will take my writing and It’s time to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Thanks for joining me as I move forward and for listening to my ramblings tonight.

It’s time to move forward into 2023 and into new adventures. I will even check my road map…from time to time.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Is Your Faith Selective?

Sarai believed that it was God who kept her and her husband Abram from having children (Genesis 16:2). Whether her words came from humble adoration or from human frustration, Sarai declared that God was in control. Considering the fact that God had appointed a time for her to have a child (Genesis 21:1-2) she was right in what she believed. The problem comes later in life when she chooses to hold on to this belief while rejecting God’s promise that she would one day have a son.

Yes, God was in control as Sarai and Abram grew old together without the blessing of children. God was still in control when, during a stopover on His way to see Sodom for Himself, the LORD promised that Sarai (at that point having had her name changed to Sarah) would have a son. While it seemed easy for Sarai to believe that God had kept her from having children, Sarah laughed at the idea that God would allow her to have a son in her old age. She chose to believe that God was in control when she could blame Him for her circumstances but when asked to believe what was a seemingly impossible blessing, Sarah could only laugh.

It would be nice if we could choose the things that are easy to believe while ignoring those promises that are more difficult to hold onto but doing so would keep us from growing in the Lord. Like Sarah you might be tempted to laugh or even run from God’s more “difficult”  promises. You may even try to help as Sarah did when she suggested that Abram have a child with Hagar. The best path is always the path of faith, even when God’s words are difficult to believe in. Choose to believe what God says He will do in your life and remind yourself that He always keeps His promises.

See also When Faith Becomes Difficult