Thursday, July 16, 2020

Are Christians Innocent and What Happened on the Cross?

The cross: Christianity's most recognizable symbol. Believers look upon it and are reminded of the gift of salvation offered to all and received by those who believe. But the people of Rome likely saw something else. Back then crosses stood in public places for all to see and for passersby the cross made one single declaration. It was Rome's way of announcing that a person had been tried and found guilty as charged. But who is really guilty when it comes to the cross of Jesus Christ? To answer that question we must look at what really happened upon that cross.

To best understand what happened on the cross of Jesus Christ we need only look at what happened to Barabbas. Barabbas had been found guilty of taking part in a rebellion during which someone was murdered. He and his co-conspirators were being kept on Rome's version of death row when Pontus Pilate offered to turn loose one prisoner. Pilate offered the people a choice between releasing Barabbas or releasing Jesus. The people chose Barabbas. As a result, the guilty went free leaving the innocent to die in his place.

The Bible says that all have sinned (Romans 3:23). We are all guilty of violating our creator's moral standard. As a result we all have been sentenced but not all will receive the punishment we have earned. Our creator has made a choice. As a result you and I have the opportunity to go free. In our place we leave behind the innocent who served our sentence. Like Barabbas we can go free knowing that Jesus, the Son of God, suffered a punishment that was meant for us.

So what really happened at the cross? An innocent man, a man who never sinned, died and the guilty went free. Who was guilty? Who really deserves to be punished? Barnabbas was guilty. I am guilty. You are guilty. We all have been found guilty. And yes Christians were found guilty as charged. Fortunately our Judge chose to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as payment for our sins. By faith we can choose to agree with God that we are guilty and that because of what happened on that cross, our sins are fully forgiven and completely washed away.

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