Friday, April 10, 2020

It Was All Voluntary, Speaking of the Cross

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I try to have two quiet times per day, meditating on the Bible and spending time one on one with God. As we head into Easter, I am sharing my thoughts from a recent quiet time.

And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
Matthew 27:50

I find it interesting that Jesus “yielded up His spirit.” He didn’t simply die. His life was not taken from Him. He yielded. John 10:18 indicates that Jesus had the power to continue living. He likely could have endured the cross and survived, doing exactly what those who taunted Him asked. Instead He yielded. This shows both His power and His resolve. This also shows His love. I pray for the capacity to love like this.

Jesus is so powerful that the cross could not kill Him without Him yielding His own life.

I read this now and think about what kind of person He is. I also think about what kind of person I am. In Christ I’ve been empowered. What am I doing with that power? Jesus was determined to carry out His mission. Am I?

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