Thursday, April 2, 2020

God Wants to Hear From You: Pray Without Ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

I've heard this verse interpreted in a number of different ways. I've even heard debates over whether or not it is even possible. My own thoughts about this verse have changed over the years as I find it a hard concept to comprehend. How could God expect us to pray without ceasing with so many other things we need to do? And yet the verse is there in the Bible. It seems to me that if God wants us to pray without ceasing it means that He wants to hear from us without at all times, and that’s good.

Imagine that! You're so important to God that He wants to hear from you without ceasing, an endless conversation with your Creator. This isn't an invitation to stop in once a day (or once a week) for a chat nor is it a call to only lift up our cares. It's a reminder that our omnipresent God is always nearby and always available to listen to our concerns. He really wants to hear from you. So He asks that you pray without ceasing.

How will you respond? The “Alpha and Omega” is waiting right now with a listening ear. He'd like to hear from you. Will He?

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