Have you adjusted to, "Our new normal"? From time to time over the last couple of weeks I've heard people call our international response to COVID-19 our new normal. Each time I hear it I wonder how something so temporary qualifies as normal and being ordered to stay home is anything but normal (fun but not normal). Besides, it's just a matter of time before we all return to our old normal.
Last week Philly's mayor asked businesses to allow employees to work from home. I had already asked for the week off in hopes of resting and watching March Madness. But as you know there is no March Madness this year and I wound up having to check my work email during my break in order to keep up with the changes while we work from home. Still, I had a full week before having to adjust and once my vacation was over I planned for my first week of staying home.
In a way this is a preview of a hoped for future. Between now and the point at which I reach retirement age I hope to be able to work from home. This "New normal" teases that possibility. And although my current schedule is a mix of answering questions for my day job mixed with additional questions from my son's homework, I must say that working from home is quite appealing even when having it forced upon me.
I am gaining a new perspective, encouraged to do more to shape my future. Who knows how much longer I will have to work from home but already this has been a blessing as I enjoy this cloud's silver lining. Have you found a silver lining in your situation? The Bible tells us that God works all for our good (Romans 8:28). These are difficult times but God's nature remains true. He is at work in your situation. Seek Him. Then kickback with some popcorn and watch Him work.