Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Have You Ever Told God A Lie?

Photo by Juhasz Imre from Pexels

Be honest! Have you ever told God a lie? The Gospels share with us a time when one of the apostles did just that. He declared one thing publicly only to do just the opposite later. He did not keep his word. To this, Jesus responds with forgiveness and restoration.

Jesus warned His disciples that they were about to fail, telling them that they would stumble because of Him (Matthew 26:31). In response Peter looks Jesus in the eye and declares publicly that he would never be made to stumble (v. 33). After hearing the truth that he was going to deny Jesus three times before sunup, Peter declares that he would die rather than deny Jesus (verses 34-35). He did not intend to lie to Jesus. Peter said what he honestly thought of himself but his actions later on turned his great boast  into a lie (verses 69-75).

How does Jesus respond after the truth is revealed? Jesus responds by restoring Peter, telling him it is time to get back to work (John 21:15-17). In so doing he puts Peter back into a very prominent ministry role, implying that He had forgiven Peter for stumbling. Jesus didn't carry a grudge nor did He say to Peter, "I told you so!" He didn't move Peter to the back of the line with instructions to work his way back into Jesus' inner circle. Plane and simply, Jesus forgives.

In the Gospels we see God's nature in the flesh and in action. Here we see Jesus forgiving Peter for denying Him and for lying to Him. God continues to forgive us of our sins today. Trust in His nature and receive His forgiveness. Don't hold onto what Jesus' blood has already washed away.

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