Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How God Blessed Us in November 2019

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS from Pexels
Jesus said that the angels who are charged with watching over children have unlimited access to God’s throne (Matthew 18:10). I take great comfort in knowing God watches over my family. And when one of my sons has to deal with life's difficulties, I get the blessing of seeing how God keeps His promises in their lives.

Due in part to a miscommunication, one of my sons saw a door close on an opportunity. He was understandably disappointed. I thank God that my sons are both comfortable with sharing their hurts with me. I also thank God for reminding us both of His promise that all things work for our good (Romans 8:28). After a few days God opened a door and my son got to see God at work. I was reminded that the best thing I can do for my sons is to trust their future into the hands of my Lord.

Every one of God's promises is an opportunity for us to be blessed. They are also opportunities for us to teach others how to recognize God's blessings. In November I was blessed by seeing God's promise fulfilled as a blessing in my son's life. How have you been blessed? Have you seen God"s promises fulfilled? Tell me on Twitter (@denniscoleman) or via email. I would love to hear what God is doing in your life.

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