Wednesday, August 5, 2020

How God Blessed Us: Pandemic Edition II

Let me start this post by acknowledging the fact that a lot of you are hurting right now. We've lost friends and family to COVID-19. We watch as loved ones suffer from symptoms of the disease, hoping and praying that we will see them get better. Government unemployment numbers tell us that a lot of people are out of work. Many are wondering where their next meal will come from and how they will keep a roof over their heads. Some have already lost both. There is plenty of pain and suffering and fear to go around. It is wrong to overlook those facts.

If you are struggling and/or hurting right now I want to encourage you to reach out to others. Don't suffer alone. You are blessed with people around you. Reach out! There is someone in your life who cares. You might have to do some leg work to find them but they are there. Reach out and let others help you carry your burdens. Let others be a blessing in your time of need.

By now you are probably wondering when I will mention God. Actually I did in that last paragraph. You see, the reason I know there are people around you who care is because I know God has put them there. He has placed people nearby who are empowered to help, people who can bless you because God will work through them to do what is needed. Not everyone fits this description and you may have to push past a lot of people to see the one sent by God, (I speak from experience on this one) but the simple fact is that God is there and He wants to help. His children are here to carry out His mission.

I would normally list the material and emotional ways that God has blessed me and my family over the last month or two. This time I want to speak of the greatest blessing He has given me. The greatest blessing I have received is His presence. Him being here is more valuable than any other of the multiple blessings I’ve received. I am blessed to have the relationship I have with the Father, to endure the last few months in the peace that comes with knowing He is with me. No matter what, I know He cares and will provide for me and my family. He wants you to receive the same blessing. He is knocking. Won't you open the door?

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