
Thursday, June 18, 2020

What Do You See?

I would love to have a heart to heart talk with former police officer Derek Chauvin. I want to look Mr. Chauvin in the eye and ask him one question. If given a chance I would ask him what he saw under his knee. What did he think about the person he knelt on for over eight minutes? Did he even see a person?

I would also love to have a heart to heart with Amy Cooper. I have three questions for Ms. Cooper. First, I would like to know if she knew and understood the leash law that applied to the area of Central Park where she was walking her dog. I checked which lists The Ramble, where the incident took place, as one of the "Areas of Central Park where dogs must be on leash at all times..." The site also shows a map of areas in the park that are dog friendly. Did Ms. Cooper know ahead of time that she should have had her dog on a leash? That leads to my second question: Will she pay the fine (if any) for not having her dog on a leash?

My third question for Ms. Cooper is similar to the question I want to ask Mr. Chauvin. What did she see? Did she see a human being simply trying to enjoy a day of bird watching? Did she see a person who only asked that she obey the rules as I suspect he would have had he had a dog with him? Did she see a fellow citizen of Earth? Was she practicing some strange form of social distancing?

I likely will never have that heart to heart with officer Chauvin nor is it likely I'll have one with Ms. Cooper. I can have a heart to heart with you, the reader. May I ask, what did you see? I ask this especially to my brothers and sisters in Christ. What did you see? Did you only see rioters and looters? Those who did these things were WRONG. Did you see the people? Did you see the hearts crying out? Did you see people created in God's image? Yes some of them did wrong. Such is the nature of man which the Bible calls fallen. The Bible also calls you to reach out in God's love. I suppose what you see lets you off the hook? Not if you see what God sees.

By the way here is a website listing all of Central Park’s dog laws along with a PDF of The Dog Owner Guide to Central Park

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