Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How God Blessed Me In July 2019

We’ve been looking forward to going to our denomination’s annual conference for months. The one question standing in our way was how we would pay for attending. It seems the cost for a family of four to do anything keeps going up. Along with this we had to pay for car repairs and house repairs, not to mention another large bill which had to be taken care of in the first half of the year. We left things in God’s hands, trusting that if He wanted us to go He would provide. And as summer approached God began to reveal how He would provide for our conference fees.

As promised when it came time to pay the fee, God provided cash for the full amount. Then He went one step further. He provided the equivalent of half of our fee on top of what He had provided initially. This was God’s abundant provision: His blessing us by giving more than we asked for. I thank God for His abundant blessings.

How is He blessing you today?

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