Friday, August 9, 2019

Fan, Fanatic or Christian?

courtesy of Pexels
Can a Christian also be a fan of a sports team? A brother in Christ, whom I highly respect, once asked me this question. I suppose he asked because I wore a pair of headphones to a church business meeting so that I could keep up with a football game. Whose idea was it to schedule a meeting during an Eagles vs Cowboys game anyway? Obviously our church moderator was not a fan. But I am, rarely missing an Eagles' game and when possible watching and/or listening to the Bears.

I admit I was a little hurt by the question and its spiritual implications. I never thought of my sports fandom as an obstacle to my faith. My defense in the face of the challenge likely came more from my pride as opposed to an honest consideration of the facts. Only recently have I truly given any thought to the question, giving honest consideration as the 2019 football season approaches. Can I be a fan and still hold my faith?

I believe the answer is yes, Christians can be fans of sports and of teams as well as fans of movies and actors and other things. After all being a fan has more to do with enthusiasm and support and nothing (in most cases) to do with worship. I can be devoted to my teams just as I can be devoted to my family (more so devoted to family of course). The key is that my devotion to Christ is higher and I have never let team fandom become idolatry. God always comes first and He is the only one I worship.

It would be easy for me to dismiss this question but it was something that obviously bothered my brother in Christ. And if it bothered him, perhaps it bothers other believers as well. I'm not going to say they are wrong. We each must follow our conscience and our convictions in Christ. Above all we must remember Who's we are and we must live according to our high calling in Christ.

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