Thursday, April 4, 2019

Updating My “About Me”

 I bet my playlist is really confusing to the various algorithms monitoring my listening habits. As I write this I'm listing to Big Band. Tomorrow it might be classic rock or maybe contemporary Christian. I can go from classical to Ragtime in the same sitting. One of my college roommates joked about how I once followed a song by Christian music artist Carmen with Hotel California by the Eagles. I like variety and I like music that tells a good story.

Had you asked a few years ago I would have told you that the jury was still out as to whether or not my life is a good story. Back then I held my personal narrative hostage to the aftermath of codependency, viewing the world through the destructive lies of family addiction. I needed help. That help came from my Lord Jesus Christ. Now in Him I get to enjoy my story, having received His gift of abundant life. Instead of a future of pain and sorrow, I see big things on the horizon with a lot of good chapters still left to write.

It's been over four years since I wrote my original “about me” post on this blog. A lot has changed since then. I'm in a different chapter, with my first born (of two boys) off to college. I've published a second magazine article. I've spent a little over half my journey married to a wonderful follower of Christ. Neither of us is the same as we were 26 years ago but that's a good thing. Our ups and our downs have made us better people while strengthening our marriage.

My day job has me wearing many hats in support of scientific research on the senses of taste and smell. That job pays the bills but ultimately I plan to become a writer full time, looking forward to the indepence that comes with working for myself. I enjoy watching sports, a must for anyone living in and around Philadelphia. I didn't grow up here but the city and its teams have become special to me and I know the next championship is just around the corner.

On this blog you will find a lot about Jesus and about the faith. I'm still growing and would like to share with you as I learn. I would also like to share the many questions I have about the face of Christianity as presented publicly in the United States. Hopefully you can help me find answers as we search together for truth.

Here you'll also find history posts and book reviews, two of my favorite subjects. As I work on the huge remodeling project I call home I will leave updates on how the work is progressing. I may even drop in a post or two about barbecue (or do you prefer barbeque?). For the record I prefer charcoal. Now free from codependency I have learned to enjoy each day of my journey. Are you interested in tagging along?

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