Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Prayer for a Non Believer? Answered

Do you have a public transit family? I do. I see them five days a week during my regular commute. Most of them are complete strangers whom I recognize but know nothing about. We sometimes say, “Hello,” to each other but that is usually the full extent of our conversations. Then there are those with whom I am on a first name basis. We talk about sports or about family or even about plans for the weekend. We’re not friends but we do share a common bond and sometimes we share in a common delay. They all have become a regular part of my life narrative and it would be odd not to see them either coming or going as I head off to the day job.

Last week one of the regulars was noticeably agitated. Turns out he had lost something, an item that would have cost hundreds of dollars to replace. After learning of his situation I said a word of prayer. I didn't pray with him as he has said in the past that he sees no purpose in public expressions of faith. So, I said my prayer knowing where he stands but still wanting God's best for him. Shortly thereafter he received a call telling him the item was found and explaining where he could go to retrieve. As often is the case, God answered my prayer even before I had finished praying.

In the past I would have been hesitant to pray. When it comes to non believers, or people who are uncomfortable with expressions of faith,  I had always limited my prayers to asking for their salvation. I never really thought about praying for other things in the lives of those who do not follow Christ, thinking this was something God would never agree with. Having seen Him restore the missing item, I know now that He has no problem answering those kinds of prayers. I trust that as I expand the reach of my prayers according to His will, He will respond in a way that reveals His glory. In doing so He will plant the seeds of the Gospel and I get to watch as our Savior moves on the hearts of my fellow commuters.

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