Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My 5 Minute Midlife Crisis

Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels
How long is a midlife crisis supposed to last? I ask because I think I had one the other day. Fortunately it only lasted about five minutes. I'm not even sure what triggered it but I found myself thinking about my age and how, in all likelihood, I have lived more than half of my earthly life. Having more years behind than in front is in and of itself depressing but my main struggle was with what I saw in my rearview mirror.

I saw a number of missed opportunities, broken promises and projects left undone. Have I really done anything of value? My initial answer was, "No." I guess I am my own worst critic. I started to get a little down on myself but then I decided it was time for a change.

Instead of getting me down, my midlife crisis helped me adjust my point of view. Now more than ever I value the moment. I plan to live in the moment asking what I can do of value right now. As they say, if we are still alive we still have purpose. As a result I'm working towards my goals moment by moment. I challenge you to do the same.

We're both still alive and that means we're still in the game.

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