Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Rise and Fall of King Uzziah

Part One: Help From God

Have you ever asked God for help? What was your expectation at the time? Is it true that God helps those who help themselves? The Bible is filled with stories of God helping people in one way shape or form. The Bible says God cares for us. Are you receiving His help?

2 Chronicles 26

Uzziah became king at the age of sixteen. From Jerusalem Uzziah ruled over Judah, sitting on the throne promised to David and his descendants. During the early years of his reign Judah grew strong and the fame of Uzziah spread "far and wide." He lead his armies to great victories over enemies like the Philistines. He reclaimed and rebuilt cities that had been taken from Judah, re establishing the kingdom as a force to be reckoned with. As a teenager, Uzziah clearly exceeded expectations.

What was Uzziah's secret? The Bible tells us Uzziah prospered as long as he sought the Lord (v. 5). This verse is followed by a list of Uzziah's victories and a description of the great army at his command. All of this came as a result of his relationship with the LORD who helped him "marvelously" until he became strong (v. 15). As long as Uzziah's heart was right, God helped him. As long as he sought the Lord with his heart he lived victoriously, enjoying abundant life at the hands of God.

The Bible does not speak of Uzziah helping himself in his early years on the throne. In fact there is no passage instructing us to help ourselves in order to receive God’s help. Instead the Bible speaks of how men and women like Uzziah sought God, people of faith who were humble before the Lord. In response God extended "marvelous" help. He offers the same to anyone today. Are you seeking Him, knowing by faith that He will help?

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