Tuesday, November 26, 2024

And Be There…With God

Exodus 24:12

What an invitation. “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there…” This is how Exodus 24:12 is written in the NKJV. The other English versions also have the, “Come up to Me part,” giving variations on the, “be there,” by saying things like “wait there,” or “stay there.” The point is that God wanted Moses with Him on the mountain and that sounds like one of the most awesome invitations ever given.

In Exodus 24 the people give affirmation, agreeing that, “All the words which the LORD has said we will do.” (Exodus 24:3) They repeat this vow after hearing the reading of the Book of the Covenant (verse 7) and Moses sprinkles the blood of the sacrifices on them in order to seal the covenant between them and the LORD. Shortly thereafter Moses, Aaron, Nabad and Abihu, along with seventy elders climb part of the way up Mount Sinai where they enjoy a big meal in the presence of God (verses 9-11).

It’s after this feast that God extends a special invitation to Moses as recorded in verse 12. What an honor it must have been to receive an invitation from God to come up and be there with Him: to receive the Ten Commandments and to learn how to teach them. This is something God did not have to do as He had already spoken to the people and given them the Ten Commandments (chapter 19). He could have very easily just left the stone tablets someplace at the bottom of the mountain with instructions on how to find them. It sounds as if God wanted Moses up on the mountain with Him and in the same way God wants each of us to be with Him today.

Jesus’ death and resurrection are invitations to us all, a sign that God wants us to be with Him. This is why the veil of the temple was torn (Matthew 27:51) and why we are to enter the Holiest by a new and living way (Hebrews 10:19-22). God, through Jesus Christ, is inviting us to come and be with Him. Will you, by faith, accept His invitation? 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Why Worry? God Will Provide!

I once had a front row seat for a demonstration of what worry will do to a person over time as a close family member spent decades worrying about having enough money. They never directly said so but it was clear in the way they lived and in the things that they said that they were driven out of a fear of running out. Making matters worse, their fear was mixed with pride as they continued with their own self effort even in the face of evidence that what they were doing was not getting them what they wanted. In the end they died alone and unhappy, being overcome by the results of an addiction that masked the stress of feeling like the bottom might fall out at any moment.

I watched as this person, who claimed to be a good Christian, struggled against the ebb and flow that is a normal part of life. With their Bible nearby, theirs was a life of fear instead of an example of great faith. Even as they bragged about how they knew the Good Book better than I did, they somehow never came to trust in a very important promise:

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)

I wish this was the only person that I knew who claimed to know the Bible well but who never fully accepted Philippians 4:19. In fact, I’ve known dozens of Christians whose lives were more of a demonstration of fear and/or pride as opposed to an example of faith. And yes, as I point my finger at others there are fingers pointing back at me. I was once one who professed faith in Christ but, driven by fear, relied on my own ability to try to earn a living. Just like the others I found that with all my hard work either I never had enough to make ends meet or, when I did, I was too stressed to enjoy what I had.

It took a very odd dream where I was faced with a costly repair for God to get my attention. As I woke from the dream I could somehow tell that God was asking me how I should handle the situation. I knew the answer He expected and responded accordingly, telling God that I would pray. He responded by asking, “Why don’t you?” Since then I have done just that when a need arises and each time God answers with what I need. I’m not yet perfect at doing this and I still sometimes forget to ask. But eventually, when I repent of my own efforts and ask God to provide, I find that His timing is always perfect. He always comes through.

As Christians we all know that God will provide for our needs yet do we…do you…live like He will provide? If you are not a Christian you are missing out on the peace that comes with knowing that you are loved and that God will take care of you because He loves you. So let me ask you something. Do you choose to trust God to provide? It’s not always easy to do but it is a great place to be.