Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Do You Understand Your Tests and Trials?

Psalm 66:8-12

The Psalmist understood life’s trials and tests, embracing the opportunity for growth. He acknowledged that God had tested His people in the past. The result of this testing is that the people were refined like silver (v. 10). The Psalmist goes on to describe metaphorically this testing which ends in rich fulfillment (v. 12). What he describes is not something pleasant or something we should like. But he embraces the outcome, knowing that in the end God’s people grew, winding up in a much better place.

This was the Psalmist’s experience, shared with us so that we who believe today might understand God’s goals. Yes it is a difficult message delivered by the Psalmist, who believed that God caused some of the difficulties that were a part of this testing (vv. 11-12) but he wants us to look beyond life’s rough patches. The Psalmist’s believed in God’s love and God’s goals for his life. That is the key. Whether caused by God or allowed by Him, the goal is refinement. God’s desired outcome is our growth and our freedom. Faith is where we trust God for that outcome.

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