Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Are You Living As One Favored By God?

Psalm 1

Photo by Ian Turnell from Pexels
Blessed - Holy or favored.

Think about it. Wouldn't it be nice to be favored by God, to be set apart according to His will? Those who believe in Jesus have received the gift of salvation. How then do we live the promised abundant life? How do we enjoy God's favor as we grow into the people God created us to become? The answer, according to Psalm 1, is to choose God's word over everything else with which we could feed our hearts.

The Psalmist describes for us the choices made by those who enjoy God’s favor. This is a person who delights in the ways of the Lord and meditates on God's word at least twice a day (morning and night). This is not about legalism or about religious practice but about a personal choice. It is the choice to embrace sound Bible teaching over human understanding. It is actively seeking God's viewpoint and righteousness over the many world views available to us today. The Psalmist describes a person who chooses light over darkness, not because he/she has to but because they want to be a godly individual.

The Psalmist understood that choosing to seek the way of God comes with great reward. Those who choose scripture are, according to the Psalm, like trees planted near water. Picture yourself being nourished and strengthened, able to stand no matter life's storms. The tree is not sheltered or protected like many of us would like in our Christian walk. Instead its roots draw from the ground. The nearby river brings food and water allowing for years of fruitful living. The tree stands during its trials because it draws from a source which prepares it for good and bad. Such is the life of one who is blessed as he/she seeks God's righteousness, choosing to meditate on scripture instead of filling their mind with junk.

Is reading and meditating on the Bible a priority in your daily routine? Trust in the promise of Psalm 1. Make time for God's inspired word. Let the two edged sword work in your life. Then trust in God, knowing He will respond just as the Psalmist described. You will enjoy the fruitfulness of being favored in the eyes of the Lord. The blessing has been made available. Will you choose to live therein?

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