Thursday, September 27, 2018

Random Thoughts: A Blemish on the Church

{Originally posted on my other blog as "Friday Thoughts"}

A Pennsylvania grand jury released its report on an investigation of abuse within the Catholic Church. I have not read the report but have heard bits and pieces from friends and from the news. What I have heard is shocking. I pray for the victims whose pain I cannot begin to imagine.

The church is supposed to be a light, leading to the way of hope. Instead we now know of the darkness in which some chose to operate. This is a blemish on the church. And though this was an investigation into the Catholic Church, all believers should take notice and should pray about how the body of Christ should proceed.

The body of Christ needs to examine itself to make sure it is the beacon of hope of which God has given His call. We need to extend a hand of healing to the victims letting them see God's love. We also need to let them know that God feels their pain and that the actions done by those who claimed to be His servants bring sorrow to His heart.

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