Wednesday, May 2, 2018

So, GQ Magazine Says No to the Bible?

GQ Magazine recently printed their list of "21 Books You Don't Have to Read." These are considered
the "Great Books" read by those who are "well read." The magazine's editors offer up alternatives while explaining why the books made the list. I remember a few of these as being ones I was forced to read in high school, like "The Old Man and the Sea." Others I chose to read later, like "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." GQ's alternatives are intriguing and I might check a few of them out. One of the don't have to reads is causing quite a stir among Christians. Some are offended, wondering how the editors of GQ see reading the Bible as a waste of time.

The recommendation to not read the Bible is being challenged as believers rush to defend the scriptures against this apparent attack. Having read the GQ list I think both sides have missed the point. While dismissing the Bible based on their own literary standard the editors at GQ miss the impact this book has on the lives of Christ's followers and even on some who don’t believe. It is via these ancient texts that God offers enlightenment to those who come honestly seeking him. At the same time those who rush to defend the Bible seem to forget that we fight not against flesh and blood, as we are taught in the Bible. As such our goal first and foremost is to reflect the light of salvation into a darkened world. Arguing the literary merits of the Bible will not accomplish this goal.

Those who denounce the Bible as boring and contradictory are not going to change their minds just because we tell them they are wrong. Instead of fighting back we need to use the tools given us by our Father for changing hearts. Only as the work of the Bible becomes evident in our lives will those around us truly see the unique value of scripture. Instead of responding to the opinions of a handful of non-believers, let us live as examples demonstrating why the Bible is still the most important book everyone should read.

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