Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How Do Christians Grow?

Christian growth should be easy, right? To be honest it is anything but easy. I find that God's prescription for growth quite often involves difficult challenges and very long wait times. His use of trials and tribulations as shaping tools runs counter to what most of us mere humans would use if in His shoes. Fortunately God takes care of most of the heavy lifting, leaving us with a small handful of things we need to do. Where do we start? Well, if you truly want to grow I suggest you start with reading and meditating on the Bible every day.

The first Psalm describes a man who meditates on scripture morning and night. He is like a tree planted near a river, well watered and enjoying abundant provisions. And like the rest of the forest, a riverside tree must endure the ups and downs of nature. Its best days start with a refreshing breeze and perhaps a cleansing layer of dew. On those good days the sun is warm, creating such a comfortable feeling that even weeping willows choose to smile. Those are the days when growth comes easy but the nicest of days can quickly give over to days that leave the strongest of trees wishing for cover.

Sometimes a string of good days gives way to a season of drought. The sun, once a friend, becomes an inquisitor seemingly focused on burning away all that matters. The air becomes stagnant, oppressive where it had once been a relief. Across the forest the ground which once provided nourishment becomes dry and unyielding, starving all plants of needed nutrients. Under these conditions the roots of our foundations are tested. And while others wither, that tree near the river continues to grow. It draws from the river which carries a constant supply of nutrients in what appears to the untrained eye to be nothing more than mud.

Such is life with its good times and bad. I wish that those who follow the Lord were immune to life’s ups and downs. Instead we are on the rollercoaster of life along with all of our neighbors. The promise of scripture is not one of a smooth life. It is the promise of growth and abundance no matter what we face at any given time. In times of plenty and in times of drought the person who meditates on scripture will continue to grow, drawing from the river of life that is Jesus Christ. Are you ready to start growing today?

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