Wednesday, June 17, 2015

God's Got Your Back

Daniel 1:9-16

On my old blog I wrote a lot about life as a codependent. Having a parent suffer with the disease of alcoholism had the effect of creating in me a very negative world view. The numerous arguments of my youth left me feeling that I always had to prove myself: that no one would ever believe me even if I were clearly telling the truth. The idea that I had someone in my corner was foreign to me. The instability of my home left me believing I had to fight the world on my own.

I bet Daniel felt like he had something to prove as the stability and freedom of his home were stolen from him. One day he woke up a citizen of Israel, only to find himself a captive of Babylon the next day. His new neighbors worked hard to replace his culture with theirs; to change him into a solid citizen of the kingdom. Daniel had already lost his home. Now he had to fight to maintain his identity and his faith in the face of a nation in which neither were tolerated.

On the issue of diet Daniel refused to give in, as many of those who were with him had already done. But how could he convince his captors not to force him to compromise? He could have argued his point, creating an antagonistic atmosphere. He could have insulted his "hosts'" food and culture. He could have tried to out talk his immediate supervisor, showing how wise he was when it comes to matters of diet. There are a number of things Daniel could have done in order to hold on to his diet and culture, but in the long run all he had to do was trust in God.

God worked to open doors for Daniel, beginning with having Daniel find favor with his immediate overseer. Because of their relationship, Daniel was able to ask not to have to defile himself with the king's food. He did not have to beg nor argue. He did not have to insult nor did he have to try to out maneuver. He simply asked and because of the groundwork laid by God his request was considered.

As followers of Jesus we do not need to trick or cajole others. We have nothing to prove and do not have to fear what will happen if our words are not received. When we trust in the Lord and follow his will, he will open the door to our success. And when the enemy comes to stand against us, true followers can rest knowing God has our backs.

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