Through your tears you see only the
deceased. You cry with and for the family, wondering how it could be that a
life of promise is cut off at the age of twelve. The pain of the loss is such
that you do not notice when Jesus arrives. You do however hear his voice as he
declares that, "The damsel is not dead but asleep." Most in the room
laugh, asking how he could be so insensitive. Eventually Jesus runs off all who
do not believe. Would you have been one of those who laughed or would you by
faith be able to remain in the room to witness a miracle as it happens?
Proverbs 3:5
As I walk the path of the Christian faith I
find quite often I see things different from how God sees them. Where I see a
dead end with no possible outlet, God sees opportunity. At times His directions
seem way off target, even laughable. Of course He probably gets a good laugh
out of my thoughts and ideas as well. One of us is always correct. Will my
faith lead me to follow him when my own understanding says otherwise?
Real Christian faith is demonstrated when
we follow God even when our "wisdom" says to do otherwise. It is easy
to have faith in the areas where we agree with God. What does your faith look
like in the areas where you see things different from how God sees them?