I am the father of two boys, a responsibility I treasure more each day. There are the usual ups and downs that come with being a part of a family but in the end even the bumpiest of roads can get you to where you want to be.
A graduate of Temple University, my day job is with a company focused on research on the senses of taste and smell. There I serve dual roles as space coordinator and human test participant coordinator. Unofficially I wear many other hats, relied upon to be available for whatever need arises.
Writing is a hobby for which I have a renewed passion, making steps towards turning pro. (For the record I do have one article in print: a short piece on the history of flashlights published in History Magazine.) My other hobbies are traveling, hiking, reading; activities to which I do not devote enough time. I am in the process of getting my motorcycle license. I prefer charcoal over gas. In the future I hope to add kayaking to my list of hobbies.
Where Am I Headed?
The Christian answer is Heaven. I have assurance from the ultimate in reliable sources that I will arrive eventually. What will I encounter along the way? I do not know. I invite you along on my journey as I find out.