
Friday, August 16, 2024

Can They See the City on the Hill?

It was really kind of strange looking, sitting there in the midst of the other train cars. I noticed it as we passed through the railyard early one morning. It was dark outside and all of the other train cars had their lights on both inside and out. But then there was this one, sitting there waiting to go in for repairs. I’m not sure what was wrong with it but it was the only one with all of its lights turned off. The passenger lights on the inside? They were turned off. The lights on the outside that let other trains see it? They were turned off too. Even the signs that normally light up to tell waiting passengers where this train was going were turned off. It was just there among its siblings, completely dark and it really looked very strange.

If that one train car looked so strange sitting among the others with its lights off, how odd would a city look if it were completely dark when it was supposed to be all lit up? Imagine, we would likely be able to see that something was there: perhaps a building or two or three. But without light would that city be the least bit inviting? Would it hint at the existence of life or just leave us wondering what happened? I suspect it would look very strange, not unlike that train car sitting there dead in the rail yard. It definitely wouldn’t resemble anything that Jesus talked about.

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Matthew 5:14

This is how Jesus describes His followers. We are the light of the world: a brightly lit city on a hill where all can see. That light, shining brightly through those who love the Lord, is the light of God Himself. Its impact is a result of His presence, changing the believer from the inside and then drawing others who are in turn changed by His love. We should stand out but not because of our own efforts. In fact, I fear that many who call themselves “Christians” simply look weird because they are like that dark train car, not relying on the true light of Christ. They should be the city on a hill but instead they are hidden behind a blanket of self-effort and erroneous teaching.

I confess that there have been many times in my Christian walk where I think the lights were all turned out…by me. I’d much rather be that city that cannot be hidden and to do so I know I must be fully surrendered and reliant upon my Lord Jesus Christ. How about you? Can those around you see the city on the hill?

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